26 July 2009

Mastersurfcraftsman Makes Sacrifice

The mastersurfcraftsman, The Dude himself, today made a sacrifice only board makers and surf photographers make, he didn't surf in order to promote the surf enjoyment of others. "I was working on the prototype for my new model 'The Mexican'" The Dude said covered in saw dust in his well appointed craftsman's workshop. "The surf was only small today so I guess it was was a 'small' sacrifice to make when working on a surf craft for Mex, such a great oldfartsurfer."

The efforts and skill of the great surfcraftsmen often go unnoticed. They are the great quiet achievers of our universe. Creating a prototype masterpiece board like this takes all the skill, energy and soul of the craftsman and leaves them spent. The Dude said, "I work 40 hours straight without having sleep or beer. After that I collapse in bed for 5 days and survive on sips of a secret revival elixer prepared and administered by the The Good Woman."

According to the mastersurfcraftsman, 'The Mexican' is a 6'8" rounded pin, modelled on 'The Young Dude', a 6'6" rounded pin but with a bit of extra thickness and width to take Mex's ageing bulk "But its still got all the attributes of a high performance Board to match his style and performance level." the surfcraftsman said.

So far 'The Mexican has been framed up with the top and bottom glued on ready for the final plan shap to be applied from the template.
The following photo shows 'The Young Dude' model upon which 'The Mexican' is based.

Below - The Mastersurcraftsman applies every ounce of his skill, energy and soul to create 'The Mexican'.

To order an Old Farts Surf Co. hollow wooden surfboard hand crafted by mastersurfcraftsman, The Dude CLICK ON THE FOLLOWING PHOTO:

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